Monday, September 21, 2009

Cigar Review Showdown: FDW vs. JFR pt.2

Hi guys! Cigar Czar here and today, we are going to have the second half of our Arganese FDW (First Draw Wrapper) and Tobcalaera Tropical JFR cigar showdown. Yesterday I discussed the FDW from Arganese and talked about what makes these cigars distinctive. A quick recap; both of these cigars have the wrapper overlap the lighting end so that when you first light the cigar and get that first draw, all you are smoking is the wrapper, before it starts to burn the long filler so all the flavor in the beginning is from the wrapper.
Today we have the Tobcalaera Tropical JFR Natural Pyramid cigar which I was able to pick up easily at Edward’s Pipe & Cigar, my local tobacconist, for $6-$7. I took this to the local strip club to help my friend, who works there, stay sane. To smoke I had to stay out front due to lame Colorado smoking ban laws, and keep the girls company while they smoked. Between noticing how gorgeous these girls were and having my friend talking I noticed this cigar had a nice scent and looked well built, with an even light brown and the leaf did not show a lot of vein. Now, I know I talk a lot, especially with these beautiful girls around me, but this was a troublesome cigar to smoke because it kept going out and needed relighting and also had a pretty firm draw. The cigar did burn fairly even and the ash clung pretty well and remained fairly white with a few black pocks along it.
The flavor for me was a bit mingled, mostly because I was also inhaling cigarette smoke from the girls, but I was definitely getting a spiced nutty kind of flavor. Getting a mix of thumps and notes from the music coming through the doors played along nicely with the mix of nut, spice and chocolate coming from the cigar. Overall this was a good cigar, it tasted good, I had fun, but ultimately weighing in all factors including; construction, ash, flavor and overall enjoyment, the winner goes to Arganese with their FDW Pyramid Maduro!

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